BMES 2022 Streaming-Only

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We're having a contest!

Are you from a BMES Student Chapter and cannot attend the 2022 BMES Annual Meeting in person this year? Are there other chapter members in the same boat? Then participate via live streaming, and you could win some BMES swag or gift cards!

Send us your most creative photo of the group getting together live streaming BMES 2022 remotely and you could win one of three prizes.

To qualify, you must:

  • Share a photo (no text only posts will count)
  • Mention @BMESociety in your tweet
  • Use the unique hashtag #BMES2022Streaming, so we can see your tweet

There will be a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place for the most creative photo tweeted using the guidelines above.

The first, second, and third place winners will receive:

  1. $250 of unique BMES swag
  2. $100 of exclusive #BMES2022 giveaways
  3. $50 Starbucks gift card

Don’t miss out on this opportunity, and make sure you register for streaming today!