We want to take this time to thank you, our members, for doing all you can to respond to the COVID-19 crisis. Even more importantly, we hope that this message finds you both safe and healthy.
BMES remains committed to supporting the multi-disciplinary, diverse, and innovative biomedical engineering community, whether it is in-person or virtually. This is an unprecedented moment in our lives, one that is complex and confusing, creating a tremendous amount of anxiety and stress. The impact is, and will be significant, changing the ways we work, network, and learn. This is true for BMES and our Annual Conference. The 2020 program committee is working diligently to piece together the program for this year's meeting currently scheduled for October 14-17 in San Diego. Concurrently, we are also working to develop contingency plans should the need arise to alter our annual gathering. Altered will not mean canceled; it means that we will find a means to ensure that your submitted and accepted research is presented to our community, whether in-person or virtual.
We rely on members to drive our meeting content, and the strength of our meeting is a mirror of our member's strength, knowledge, and perseverance. We want to strongly encourage you to submit an abstract today. Even in these uncertain times, we are currently holding April 30th as the early bird deadline, as we want to try and provide our volunteer reviewers with as much time as possible to give careful consideration to each submission. We hold our hope aspirationally that this year's submission of abstracts will meet last year's record-breaking number of submissions.
Like other organizations and professional communities, we are closely monitoring the guidance being provided by the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control, and federal, state, and local authorities regarding curtailing the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Things are changing daily, and it is our commitment to you to keep you updated as decisions affecting the BMES community are made.
Yes, these are unprecedented times, however, we're in these unprecedented times together. As a BMES member myself, I for one, am proud of how our community is responding to the needs of our country and the world with our expertise and innovative and meaningful solutions.
Stay safe; be healthy.
Matthew S. Loeb
Interim Executive Director

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