Career Development Awards

BMES is committed to inclusive excellence in building pathways to biomedical engineering careers and developing a diverse, technically, and globally competent biomedical workforce. To that end, BMES has an award category to support travel to the BMES Annual Meeting for Graduate Students, Postdoctoral Fellows, and Early Career Professionals from underrepresented populations in biomedical engineering and/or involved in research and training focused on health disparities and minority health.
Application Information
Application Requirements
1. Statement of Career Goals (500-word limit): The statement could address:
• What attracted you to the field of biomedical engineering, and what have you done to learn more about it?
• How do you plan to use or how do you currently use your education and training?
• How do you promote the field and provide stewardship for the discipline?
2. CV or Resume: CV or resume should clearly note status as a current Graduate Student, Postdoctoral Fellow, or must include the date of degree for Early Career Professional eligibility.
3. Letter of Support (1-page limit): Must be on letterhead from a mentor, department head, chair, dean, or manager confirming graduate, postdoctoral fellow, or early career level status and include language requesting consideration for the BMES Career Development Award. Letters submitted via email will not be accepted. -
Award Eligibility
The Awards are intended to partially offset travel expenses for attendance at the Annual Meeting to enable participation from those who might not otherwise be able to attend the meeting so they may benefit from conference programming, network, and establish connections with the potential for career-long impact. The applicant must be:
- A Graduate Student, Postdoctoral Fellow, or Early Career Professional at a critical transition or re-entry point in their career from an underrepresented population that includes racial and ethnic minorities and/or involved in research or training focused on health disparities or minority health.
- Early Career Professional is defined as a junior professional, junior faculty, and young investigators who received a degree in biomedical engineering or a related science within three (3) years of the date of application.
- Groups identified as underrepresented in science and engineering include; Women, African Americans, Alaskan Natives, Hispanics, American Indians/Native Americans, and Pacific Islanders (Guam, Hawaii, and American Samoa).
- A BMES Member in good standing who has not received BMES funding to attend the 2022 BMES Annual Meeting through any other BMES source.
- A Graduate Student, Postdoctoral Fellow, or Early Career Professional at a critical transition or re-entry point in their career from an underrepresented population that includes racial and ethnic minorities and/or involved in research or training focused on health disparities or minority health.
The award recipients will receive a complimentary registration to attend the meeting.
Make sure your Application meets all the requirements above. (Online Application Form, including CV/Resume, Statement of Career Goals, and Letter of Support).
We are not holding the Career Development awards in 2025.
For questions, please contact