The BMES Service Award is named in honor of Herb Voigt from Boston University. Herb served as President of BMES, President of AIMBE, and President of the IAMBE. He was a true service superstar and is greatly missed.
The 2021 Voigt Service Award winner is Dr. Gilda Barabino, President of Olin College of Engineering. Gilda received her BS in Chemistry from Xavier College and her PhD in Chemical Engineering from Rice. She spent several years at Northeastern as a professor of ChemE and serving in the Provost's office. She then moved to Georgia Tech / Emory, where she was a Professor of BME and the inaugural Vice Provost for Academic Diversity. A few years ago, she moved to the Deanship of Engineering at CCNY before taking her current position as the second President of Olin College.
President Barabino is a superstar and an inspiration. She is a fellow of AAAS. She is a member of both the National Academy of Engineering and the National Academy of Medicine. She won the Galetti Award from AIMBE, one of the highest honors in our field. Gilda was the first Black president of BMES. She has mentored countless scholars. She has been a great force in diversifying our field and nurturing a new generation of Black leaders in this mentoring role.
As BMES President, Gilda was prescient, recognizing two of our society's greatest problems: a lack of diversity and inclusion and insufficient connection to industry and translation. She teamed with the Coulter Foundation to create the Coulter College and Coulter Minority Network, which are still in existence.
Congratulations, Dr. Gilda Barabino, on receiving this high honor!

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