I'm sure many of you saw the latest BMES announcement, letting our members know that the 2021 BMES Annual Meeting is going fully hybrid. If you missed the email announcement, you can view it on our website. If you didn't receive it, please check your spam folder and be sure to add us to your safe sender's list to avoid missing future communications.
In-Person Oral Presentation:
You will receive an assigned session room, time, and date to present your research to the in-person attendees. Each in-person session is recorded live and then uploaded to the virtual platform within 48 hours of the session's conclusion so that those joining us virtually can also view your presentation. BMES will do its best to avoid scheduling conflicts when assigning timeslots to presenters.
In-Person Poster Presentation:
All poster presenters will be assigned a timeslot and poster number in the exhibit hall to present their research to attendees.
Virtual Oral Presentation:
Each virtual oral presentation will be grouped with other virtual oral presentations to serve as one session— preferably, but not always, grouped by track. Presenters will work with our crew of technicians to create a semi-live presentation. This means that we will schedule you to present with your group, and that presentation will be streamed into the in-person conference (in addition to us uploading the recording to the virtual platform within 48 hours). In-person participants who wish to view your session will have to attend a 'virtual viewing room' where we will stream virtual oral presentations throughout the day.
Virtual Poster Presentation:
All virtual poster presenters will need to upload their poster to our virtual platform along with a short, 2-minute presentation clip.
We previously shared a survey for you to accept our invitation to present. However, due to the meeting going fully hybrid, we had to create a new survey (that supersedes any previous surveys) to ensure we capture your preferred registration type — in-person or virtual. Therefore, you must fill out this new survey and let us know by Friday, September 10, if you would like to present virtually or in person — complete the latest survey here.
The registration deadline for all presenters is August 27, and whether you present in-person or virtually, the registration fee is the same. Please note that there is an option to select a Full Virtual or Full In-Person conference registration. If you are unsure which format you wish to present by the registration deadline, please move forward and choose one of the two options to ensure we add you to our program as a presenter — register to present here (registration now closed).
If you have any questions, reach out to Ryan@bmes.org.

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