BMES Mentorship Program
The mentorship program pairs student biomedical engineers with an established professional (mentor) who has agreed to be in communication with the chapter for guidance or help on a specific program, activity, or student chapter workshop.
The program provides participants with the following benefits:
- one-on-one interactions with a more senior biomedical engineer who will serve as a project mentor
- an opportunity to receive evaluation and advice from their mentor
- a continuing opportunity to expand their mentoring, collaboration, and networks
To apply your chapter must be compliant and in good standing with BMES. Please note that your application will be reviewed per the guidelines. To ensure that you are in good standing, please review our approved chapter list here. To apply for chapter status, click here
Note: BMES will strive, to the best of our abilities, to fill your mentor request with the most qualified candidate, however, each request will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis for feasibility and availability of mentors in your area.