Student Chapter Constitution
and By Laws
Once your Student Chapter Charter is accepted, you will receive a welcome letter and a copy of the Student Chapter Constitution.
The BMES Student Chapter must be referred to as BMES Student Chapter followed by the name or acronym of the university. For example, BMES Student Chapter San Jose State University or BMES Student Chapter SJSU. BMES Student Chapters cannot refer to themselves simply as BMES as this refers only to the Biomedical Engineering Society and is a trademark.
The first Chapter meeting should be held to:
- Elect officers.
- Create a Constitution and Bylaws.
Recommendations for Student Chapter Operations
The student chapter is governed by elected officers subject to their Constitution and Bylaws.
Faculty Advisor
The Faculty Advisor maintains the ultimate responsibility and continuity for the Student Chapter.
The Faculty Advisor must be a member or Fellow of the Biomedical Engineering Society in good standing.
Chapter Officers
The basic structure of a student chapter should include the Faculty Advisor and the chapter officers. The chapter officers should include a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. A Student Affairs representative may be added as well. The Faculty Advisor is responsible for assuring the chapter’s compliance with all university and Society policies and improving the chapter’s leadership and activity programs. Additional officers may be added depending upon Chapter’s goals.
Recommendation for Electing Chapter Officers
To ensure continuity between the incoming and outgoing officers of a Student Chapter, BMES recommends (in conjunction with the Student Chapter’s Constitution and Bylaws) the President appoint a Nominating Committee (at the Chapter’s late fall meeting) of three voting members in good standing. At least one former officer should be appointed to this committee. The chapter President should instruct the committee:
- To present, at a pre-election meeting, a slate of nominees to be voted on at the election meeting. Nominees should be for the offices of:
- President
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Student Affairs Representative and,
- Any additional offices developed by the chapter.
- To obtain, from each nominee, a declaration of willingness to accept responsibility and serve in the designated office.
- To prepare and bring before the election meeting, a short personal history/bio of each nominee.
At the election meeting, the chapter President should again present the names of the nominees. The President may request additional nominations, for each office from the floor. It is also the duty of the President to ensure all person’s voting are members qualified to vote. All new officers should take office in March to guarantee a period of overlap and support from the outgoing officers during their initial period in office.